Monday 26 December 2011

Best of 2011 Givaway Hop **International** [Ended]

I love this time of year - I love having a reason to buy gifts for those I care about, and that includes all of you guys that follow Pen to Paper! I'm always grateful for you all and love all the feedback you give me.
So what better way to say thank you, than to have another giveaway as the other ends?!

This one is going to be a special one. The books that I choose are going to be a selection of some of my favourite reads from the year - the four or five star reads.

Before I tell you which recommended reads are up for grabs, I'd like you to read the simple set of rules for the giveaway.
  • You must be a follower of Pen to Paper to qualify for entry. In the Rafflecopter below I will require you to enter your Blogger Follower Profile URL. You can find this by going onto the blogger homepage and clicking to view you profile. This page should have the list of the blogs you are following on it. This is the URL address I need. I need to be able to see that you are a follower for you to be able to win.
  • There are a possible 13 entries for this giveaway - 1 initial mandatory entry for following my blog and multiple extras (see the rafflecopter below).
  • There will be one winner, who chooses from the list of books I provide.
  • When I email the winner at the end of the giveaway, they are to specify which book they would like then, but posting a comment on this post telling me which book you'd most like to win would be lovely to see! :) The winner will have 3 days to reply maximum - if I do not receive a reply within this time, I will have to choose another winner.
  • This giveaway is open internationally, as long as the Book Depository delivers to your country.
  • The giveaway will end on December 31st.
And now for the recommended reads that the winner will be able to choose between. Please click on each image below to view the goodreads page:

Now use the Rafflecopter below to enter this awesome giveaway! The winner will be emailed on New Year's Day!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Birgit said...

I'd pick Touch of Power! I really love Maria V. Snyders books, so obviously I'd love to read that one as well.
I already own Delirium (still on my TBR stacks, shame on me) and Incubus (thanks again *wink*) which I haven't read yet either (I really need to speed up a bit ... too many books, too little time).

Dani Cotton said...

Touch of Power is definitely in my top 5, Birgit! I really REALLY loved it!
Incubus is another possible for the top 5, although haven't quite decided :P
These obviously aren't all my favourites from the year, but they are a select few :D You shall see my favourites in all their glory on New Year's Eve :)

Hope you have time for both Incubus and Delirium soon - they are completely worth the time! xxx

Vicky @ A Backpack Full of Adventures said...

Thanks for the giveaway Dani! And as for what I'd pick, I'd definitely go with Room!!! I'd love to read that one! I went to the local bookshop with my mum the other day and we saw the Hungarian edition - I haven't seen the English version yet, though :( So I'll keep my fingers crossed, haha - although I don't seem to have any luck with giveaways lately. xxx

Sarahbotbonkers said...

I'd love to win Touch of Power by Cynthia Hand :) Thanks for this giveaway!

Unknown said...

Ooh, Delirium! Thats one of m favorite books from this year! Thanks for this chance to win a copy of it!

Dani Cotton said...

Awww Vicky, don't worry - I went through a stage of entering loads of giveaways and not winning any - and then I won 4 really close to one another. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer that I finished a couple of days ago was one of my prizes, so it's been really recent! Definitely keep at it, enter enough and you're sure to win one soon! :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!! You're awesome :) I already own the awesomeness that is Delirium so I'd love a Touch of Power it looks really interesting :)

Ricki said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Dani Cotton said...

Rafflecopter is broken for some reason... trying my best to fix it guys!!

Dani Cotton said...

Rafflecopter should now be working ... no thanks to their site :/
Ugh! Right ... stress over. Hopefully it continues to work again now.

FairyWhispers said...


CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I'd pick Incubus! Thanks for another great giveaway, Dani!

Anonymous said...

I would choose Delirium. I've read some pretty good things about it. I've not read the others.

I entered in the rafflecopter form as Evangeline.

Bleuette said...

Either Delirium: Because I LOVED it but don't have my own copy or Touch of Power: because I love books by Maria V, Snyder.

Wanda (Good Choice Reading) said...

I would pick "Room" because I hear great stories about it.

Precious said...

I'd choose Touch of Power. I read her book, Inside Out and since then I've been a fan of hers. I could also go with Delirium - I loved Before I Fall but I haven't read her dystopian novel yet! I haven't read the other books.

Avon Bernabe said...

I would like to win Touch of Power by Maria Snyder! Why? Because i'm reading her Poison Study and I am loving it! And Touch of Power has good ratings! :)

Cean said...

I'd pick Touch of Power, because I love paranormal books :D

buddyt said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

I would choose Delirium if I won.

I have read soo many good reviews on the book.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmal DOT com

Sofija Kapranova said...

I'd like to win Delirium. I've hear so many good things about it.

miki said...

Thanks you for this great international giveaway
i would like touch of power ( or incubus) if i win

all the best

jayjay said...

would like to win Touch of Power OR Delirium. Heard good things about the books yes!

fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com

Judith H said...

Thanks for the giveaway - I would love to win Delirium as I've heard so much about it, but somehow never got to read it. I haven't read any of the others but I have Room waiting to be read (planning it for next month).

Hoinar Prin Ganduri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoinar Prin Ganduri said...

I would love to read "Incubus" because it's origins come from a legend I've always been fascinated of.

Christina Fiorelli said...

I'd choose Delirium because it looks awesome

vadeluna07 said...

I would pick Incubus by Carol Goodman because it sounds just like the kind of book that I usually love to read.

oriana said...

ROOM, i want that book since last month!
why? i always read reviews, so i read so many good reviews about it, that I want it!

TP said...

Aweomse giveaway! I would love to win Room or Touch of Power because I haven't read them yet :-)

mimz said...

I'd love to win Delirium! Thanks for the giveaway!

Veronica W. said...

I would like "Incubus" because I just recently won "A Touch of Power" and I've read "Water for Elephants"! :)

nodizzies said...

If I win, I would love to get WATER FOR ELEPHANTS! I actually read DELIRIUM on this list!

Dani Cotton said...

What did you think of Water for Elephants, Veronica? Personally I loved it! :) It's definitely in my top 5 - hence being in my giveaway!

Holly said...

I would want to win Touch of Power. I love this genre and series! I've read Water for Elephants back when the book first came out and loved it.

latanya t said...

Water for Elephants

Lecea said...

I would want to read Touch of Power since it has been on my TBR list from the time I heard about it. I finished and loved Snyder's Study series, so I have high expectations for this one! She is truly a fantastic writer :)

~ Lecea

Caitlin said...

I'd love to win "Room"...the only other one I read was Water for Elephants, which I loved! Thanks for the giveaway!
cheekychik22 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'd pick Room because 've read Touch of Power and those are the only two that grab my fancy :)

Thanks for am amazing gieaway!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this giveaway !! I'd love to win Water for elephants :)

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I'd love to win Room!

Rea said...

I haven't read any of them! (yet!!) but I'd pick Incubus.

Bookworm Lisa said...

I would love to win Incubus - because I haven't read it yet!

Liese2 said...

I would love to read Delirium because it sounds like a great book!

Stephanie said...

I would pick Touch of Power because I have heard great things about it. I have loved Delirium, but I already own it.

TayteH said...

Incubus. It looks interesting, and I already read Delirium and loved it, and the other ones don't look very interesting.

aurora M. said...

I would take any! I have only read Water for Elephants....shame on many books, so little time.

Lindsay said...

I've read Delirium (which I enjoyed) and Water For Elephants(so much better than the movie). I would probably have to choose Touch of Power.

Shell said...

I read Delirium and enjoyed it, but Maria Snyder's Touch of Power sounds really good!

oreo_93 at hotmail dot com


Tiffany Drew said...

I would choose Incubus :) I read and loved Delirium, read and hated Water for Elephants and was pretty disappointed in Room unfortunately. I had high hopes for the last two but I just didn't get into them. I really wanted to love Room :( Thank you for the giveaway, I hope you had an amazing holiday!


Unknown said...

I actually have not read any of these book yet! I would love to read Incubus, touch of power, and moon called. Best wishes for 2012!

kelleynutrition at gmail dot com

Mickey said...

I might pick Incubus because I haven't read that one. I've read most of the others. Room is so hard to read because it's a very messed up, difficult topic, but I really respect it. Delirium and Water for Elephants are great too! Nice picks!

SarahS. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Great choices but if I would pick Incubus if I won, it sounds like a good book. I haven't read any of the others yet.
sarah_sal90 At yahoo Dot com
SarahS. @ WondrousReadings (YA)

Jo said...

Touch of Power, haven't read it yet!

Mary Preston said...

I would choose WATER FOR ELEPHANTS. It's on my reading list. I have not read any of the others.


Nakoya said...

I'd choose Water for Elephants or Touch of Power because I've heard great things about both. I've read Delirium and it's definitely on my list of favorite books read this year.

Anonymous said...

I read ROOM last year and Loved Loved Loved it! I hope there will be a part two. That would be so cool. I want to read Water For Elephants. It has been on my TBR pile forever.
Thanks for the giveaway!
mochagirl at email dot com

Maegan Morin said...

I would probably choose Water For Elephants because I have been dying to watch the movie but I cant till i read the book lol

Victorique de Blois said...

I would like to win Room, been waiting to have it.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I haven't read any of the books listed on your prize list yet buy I'm looking forward to read Delirium. :) Thanks for the giveaway!


Fe said...

The Room sounds like an interesting read.



Anonymous said...

I'd choose Touch of Power ! I really love some paranormal stories :D


Evie said...

I'd pick Touch of Power. I've never read anything from her and this book sounds great.
I've read Room and Delirium and they're both really good.
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

test3s said...

I haven't read any , but i would choose Delirium(i've heard so many good things about it :)

Evk said...

I would pick Delirium. I read a good review! I have read Moon Called. Patricia writes incredible good.

Twitter @EvelinMiss

Midnite Echo said...

Touch of Power, because I love romance, magic, and heroines rising above their troubles. It sounds like a great book. :)

Unknown said...

I would choose Touch of Power. I have Delirium already, but I haven't read it yet.


Dinda said...

Thanks for the giveaway !!!
I would love to win Water for Elephant. I have it on my wishlist for a while. From your list, I've read Delirium and love it.

Lulu said...

I'd choose Water for Elephants, to see if it's better than the movie)

Dinda said...

Thanks for the giveaway !!!
I would love to have Water for Elephant. I have it on my wishlist for a while. From your list, I've read Delirium and love it.

mk said...

I haven't read any of the books you're offering and I would love to win Incubus. There's no particular reason to want it, it just looks interesting.

Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international!

desitheblonde said...

following you as desiheblonde
here and on twtter
fb deisree reilly
and the book would be deliruim

mamabunny13 said...

I would choose Room because I like the reviews on it and it sounds interesting. I haven't read it yet but I have Water For Elephants. I saw the movie though.

Dovile said...

I'd choose Touch of Power. I haven't read any of the other books yet.

Na said...

My choice is Incubus because I've been wanting to this try author's books. All of the books are new to me :)

Linda Henderson said...

My choice would be Touch of Power, I've heard she's an incredible writer and I haven't read any of this series. Actually I haven't read any of these books. Thank you for the giveaway.

seriousreader at live dot com

April X said...

My choice would be Delirium b/c I loved it and would love to own a copy :) I haven't read the others, but they're on my TBR list!

Unknown said...

I think I would choose between A Touch of Power and Incubus! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Amy @ Following The Reader

Christie Cote said...

I loved touch of power. i got an ebook arc from net galley and would love to read a physical copy! I love that you have Moon called on here.. different cover hmmm That is one of my favorite series! I have the latest on my list/giveaway!

Vinci said...

would like to read Room, had good reviews
on good reads. Also, the subject matter
is interesting. Read and enjoyed Water for
elephants. thanks for the great book giveaway, too.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway!!
If I won I would pick Incubus because I love how the cover to the book looks, not to mention I love the thought of a Incubus XD

Persephone said...

I would love to win Incubus. I love the cover.

Szappanbubi said...

I'd love to win&read Delirium because there're soo many recommendations and good critics about this book, and it's getting really popular so I'm curious what it could give me:)
I've not read any of the other takes too much time to translate them (unneccessary for me :)) or bring them in my country? -.-' what a shame:P

Nylez said...

I'll probably get Delirium. Ive read a lot of good reviews about this book.

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I'd totally pick Delirium :)

Camelia Miron Skiba said...

I haven't read any of these books, but I have my eyes on Delirium. Heard many good things about it. Thanks for the giveaway
Happy Holidays!

Judy said...

Incubus!! REally looks my kind of read!

I do have Delirium on my TBR list:)


Roof Beam Reader said...

Haven't read any of these books, but Room has been on my wish list for a while. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

I would pick Incubus, it is a book that I have wanted to read for a while and as yet have not had the chance.

Literary Meanderings said...

Thank you for the great giveaway! :)

The only one of those books I've read is Touch of Power, and I absolutely loved it! I am dying to read book 2. :) I'd really love to win Delirium, simply because I have heard an insane amount of praise for it. I feel like I am totally missing out!

EMAIL: sarahbookish(AT)gmail(DOT)com

Aaa said...

I have never read any of them but I think water for elephant would be great for me! :D

Christina said...

I have never read any book in your list sadly, but I've heard about Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and have been really curious about the book, so if I win, I would love to ask for that one.

JessS said...

I'd choose Delirium because it's the one I'd want to read most after Touch of Power but I already own that. Thanks!

franchie15 said...

Hi! I'd like Delirium. :) I haven't read any of those. But I will soon! :) Thanks for this giveaway! :)

Aik said...

I'd love to win Touch of Power! I'm a great fan of Maria's books!

fra & fede said...

I'd love to win Incubus, it seems really scary :)

Emily said...

I would love Water for Elephants!

Spav said...

I'd love to win Touch of Power! I love Maria V. Snyder's books.

Kulsuma said...

I would love to read Room because it sounds fascinating.

Ellie said...

I think I would probably choose INCUBUS if I won. I already have Room, Delirium and Water for Elephants but naturally, I haven't read any of them yet. I'm hopeless for buying new books then not reading them for ages!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Brenda Demko said...

If I win, I'd probably pick delirium. Or maybe I'd pick Incubus. I've heard good things about both of them, have been wanting to read them but haven't yet. I love the Mercy Thompson series (Moon Called). I have it already, along with all the others in that series. I'd have picked Touch of Power, but I recently won it and am anxiously awaiting it's arrival!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Cayce said...

I've only read Moon Called from this list, but I'd like to pick Delirium, because of the fantastic GR reviews I've read :)
Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year!

Stacy said...

I would choose Room. I read Water for Elephants and I have Delirium but haven't read it yet.

the imagine tree at aol dot com

Lexie@BookBug said...

I'd love to win a Touch of Power because I love Maria Snyder! I haven't read any of those books yet but I have Delirium and can't wait to read it!
lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

ferretvamp14 said...

I would choose Water for Elephants. I haven't read any of the others. Thanks for the giveaway.

Danielle Hill said...

i pick delirium by lauren oliver, i really want to read this :)

MelinaLove101 said...

Hi! My name is Melina Love :) HmMmmmm it's between incubus or delirium because they both have really good reviews and sounds really good :) :) Happy New Year! :)

nfmgirl said...

I'd choose Delirium. I read Room. I liked it, but not as much as I had hoped. I have Water for Elephants, but haven't read it yet. Thanks for the giveaway!

xlacrimax said...

I haven't read any of the books you've listed. I'd choose Delirium, because I see it on lots of lists, so I figure it should really be good :)

BlackWolf said...

I haven't read any of the books you've listed. I'd pick Touch of Power! I really love Maria V. Snyders books

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

i'd pick Touch of Power, ALSO! I really love Maria V. Snyders books and this is one of the few I don't have.

Georgia Summers said...

I would probably pick Room, since I've heard so many good things about it. I've already read Delirium and Water For Elephants, and they were both great reads :)

Aleksandra said...

I've already read (and own) Water for Elephants! I've also read Touch of Power from NetGalley, so I might choose that one 'cause I enjoyed it a lot :) or I might choose one of the other books, maybe Delirium. Thanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year!

Darlene said...

I'd love to win Touch of Power or Incubus.

I listened to Room on audiobook. It was very good.

IdentitySeeker said...

Thanks for the giveaway:) I've read Water for Elephants and loved it! I have Delirium, but haven't read it as yet:( It's been on lots of Best of 2011 lists so far, though.

I would choose either Room by Emma Donohue because I've heard high praise for it, or Touch of Power because I've read lots of great review and have yet to read Ms. Snyder's books or Incubus because it's got a beautiful cover and I've heard it's good:)


Adriana C said...

I would love to win Delirium!
thanks for the giveawaY!

Mare/TommyGirl said...

I read both Room and Delirium and enjoyed them both. I haven't read Water for Elephants but I saw the movie just for Robert Pattison (overcoming my great fear of circuses and such for him). I think I would want to win Incubus.

Happy new year

Jolene and Family said...

I haven't read any of these books, though I'm dying to get my hands on Water For Elephants. I've heard the book was amazing and I'm a stickler for reading a book before I watch the movie :)

Unknown said...

I'd pick Incubus, because it sounds intriguing. I haven't read any of the books. I did see the movie Like Water for Elephants and enjoyed it.

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