Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Wishlist Wednesday #53

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added (it's entirely up to you), that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves.

So what do you need to do to join in?
  • Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
  • Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Help spread the word! The code will be at the bottom of the post under the linky.
  • Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
  • Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
  • Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of this post.
  • Put a link back to pen to paper ( somewhere in your post, and a note saying that Pen to Paper is the host of the meme.
  • Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

The Iron Wyrm Affair
by Lilith Saintcrow

Goodreads synopsis:
Emma Bannon, Prime sorceress in the service of the Empire, has a mission: to protect Archibald Clare, a failed, unregistered mentath. His skills of deduction are legendary, and her own sorcery is not inconsiderable. It doesn’t much help that they dislike each other, or that Bannon’s Shield, Mikal, might just be a traitor himself. Or that the conspiracy killing registered mentaths and sorcerers alike will just as likely kill them as seduce them into treachery toward their Queen. In an alternate London where illogical magic has turned the Industrial Revolution on its head, Bannon and Clare now face hostility, treason, cannon fire, black sorcery, and the problem of reliably finding hansom cabs.

The game is afoot…

I tried reading some of Lilith Saintcrow's books last year, whilst on holiday. The book I tried reading was Strange Angels, which is the first in her YA series, but I only managed to get about 30% of the way through before I decided that I was bored, and gave up. I hadn't thought that I'd want to read any more books by this author, until I saw this on the shelves at work.
I have recently gotten much more interested in Steampunk (especially after reading Soulless by Gail Carriger), so this one has definitely caught my interest, despite not getting on with her other books. It's also an adult novel, so I'm hoping that the written style will be a little different, and that I will get on with this one better.
I have almost bought it several times now, so I don't think it's going to be too long until I give in, and add it to my collection.

What's on your wishlist this week? Let us know either in the comments below, or by taking part in Wishlist Wednesday, and leaving the link to your own blog post in the Linky below.


Synchronized Reading said...

I have not heard of this one, but it sounds really good! Definitely will be adding to my tbr :)

Janina @ Synchronized Reading

Ula said...

I love steampunk novels, I've been reading them since I was a kid. Great genre. I'm into dystopia right now so I'm discovering that for now.

I'll check this one out :)


Unknown said...

Ooh, I like your Wish. The cover reminds me of the Clockwork Prince series.

Michelle Chew said...

Intriguing storyline! Hope you'll finish this if you are granted your wish!

beccabooklover said...

I'm slowly getting into steampunk and I bought the mammoth book of steampunk not too long ago which I might dip into soon. this one sounds really good so will keep an eye out for it.

I think you should just give in ;) Hope your enjoying your holiday!

Enbrethiliel said...


This is my first time joining Wishlist Wednesday. =) I can't wait to start making the rounds.

Steampunk is a trend I haven't really got into, but this one looks like a good pick. I hope you get to find out soon! =)

Unknown said...

Yup I want this too!

Dazzling Mage said...

Have yet to read Lilli St. Crow's books, but I so want to start this one!

Lauren @ Northern Plunder said...

Oh wow this sounds wonderful!

Here is my Wishlist Wednesday
Lauren @ Northern Plunder

Unknown said...

I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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Bernard Atkinson said...

Thank you so much for this very useful and helpful post!
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