So what do you need to do to join in?
- Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
- Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Help spread the word! The code will be at the bottom of the post under the linky.
- Pick a book from your wishlist that you are dying to get to put on your shelves.
- Do a post telling your readers about the book and why it's on your wishlist.
- Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of this post.
- Put a link back to pen to paper (http://vogue-pentopaper.blogspot.com) somewhere in your post.
- Visit the other blogs and enjoy!
The Pledge by Kimberly Derting
Goodreads synopsis:
In the violent country of Ludania, the classes are strictly divided by the language they speak. The smallest transgression, like looking a member of a higher class in the eye while they are speaking their native tongue, results in immediate execution. Seventeen-year-old Charlaina has always been able to understand the languages of all classes, and she's spent her life trying to hide her secret. The only place she can really be free is the drug-fueled underground clubs where people go to shake off the oppressive rules of the world they live in. It's there that she meets a beautiful and mysterious boy named Max who speaks a language she's never heard before . . . and her secret is almost exposed.
Charlie is intensely attracted to Max, even though she can't be sure where his real loyalties lie. As the emergency drills give way to real crisis and the violence escalates, it becomes clear that Charlie is the key to something much bigger: her country's only chance for freedom from the terrible power of a deadly regime.
I've wanted The Pledge for a while now. I entered a giveaway for it on Goodreads not too long ago, but wasn't successful in winning unfortunately - and I haven't been successful in giveaways from my fellow bloggers either. I am determined to eventually get my hands on a copy though!
I think it sounds like such a unique novel, but at the same time it has all the elements I love in the books I read; mystery, danger and a sprinkle of romance.
I am definitely going to be on the lookout for this one! Let me know if there's one lurking around somewhere ;)
Have you read The Pledge? What did you think of it? Or, like me, do you really want to read it too?
Let me know in the comments :)
I'm looking forward to seeing all the other Wishlist Wednesday posts this week!
Please read the rules above and post your Wishlist Wednesday post before adding your link to the linky below. Thank you! :)

I keep seeing this book pop up on blogs a lot. I should probably reconsider about putting it on my wishlist!
That's where I kept seeing it originally as well. It's been on there for a while now. I've entered another blog giveaway for it, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I've got this one Dani, haven't got round to it yet though. It looks a fab book and the cover is appealing.
I hope you get it soon :D
Jenxx - My Wishlist Wednesday
Same here, I entered lots of giveaways but wasn't lucky enough to get a copy so far (and I didn't want to order one until the giveaways end) - it sounds like a great read though. Something I'd definitely enjoy. :)
My Wishlist Wednesday
Vicky xxx
I like the idea behind this one about the different languages.
Here's mine http://thelittlereaderlibrary.blogspot.com/2011/11/wishlist-wednesday_23.html
Lindsay x
I've been seeing this book everywhere! Hope you get to read it!
Megan @ Storybook Love Affair
Another dystopian read to watch out for.
I did read The Pledge! I found it to be entertaining...but it didn't blow me away. You can see my review here is you'd like:)
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
Oops...I posted the wrong link! here is the review:
The Pledge Review
♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf
I loved The Pledge.
Here's mine:
I loved The Pledge also! Just recently finished reading it.
My Review: http://synchronizedreading.blogspot.com/2011/11/pledge.html
-When you get the chance to read it, i can't wait to no your thoughts on it!
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