Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday Recommends #10

So it's Friday again, and that means another exciting Friday Recommends!
This is an exciting book blog hop that book bloggers can take part in once a week to share with their followers, the books that they most recommend reading!

The rules for Friday Recommends are:
  • Follow Pen to Paper as host of the meme.
  • Please consider adding the blog hop button to your blog somewhere, so others can find it easily and join in too! Help spread the word! The code will be at the bottom of the post under the linky.
  • Pick a book that you've read, and have enjoyed enough to recommend to other readers. It can be a book you've read recently, or a book you read years ago - it's up to you - but make sure you tell us why you love the book (like a mini review). You make the post as long or as short as you like.
  • Add your blog to the linky at the bottom of this post after posting your blog post.
  • Put a link back to pen to paper ( somewhere in your post.
  • Visit the other blogs and enjoy!

Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris
Amazon UK synopsis:
Harper Connelly had a lucky escape when she was hit by lightning: she didn't die. But sometimes she wishes she had died, because the lightning strike left her with an unusual talent: she can find dead people - and that's not always comfortable. Everyone wants to know how she does it: it's a little like hearing a bee droning inside her head, or maybe the pop of a Geiger counter, a persistent, irregular noise that increases in strength as she gets closer. It's almost electric: a buzzing all through her body, and the fresher the corpse, the more intense the buzz. Harper and her brother Tolliver make their living from finding the dead, for desperate parents, worried friends . . . and police departments who have nowhere else to look. They may not believe in her abilities, but sometimes the proof is just too much for even the most sceptical of police chiefs to deny. But it's not always easy for someone like Harper, for the dead *want* to be found - and too often, finding the body doesn't bring closure; it opens a whole new can of worms.

I think it's about time that I did a Friday Recommends post of a Charlaine Harris novel - I talk about her often enough but I haven't really done a proper review yet.
I chose the first in the Harper Connelly series because it's something different from the more popular Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series, but it still has some paranormal elements as well as mystery, which makes for a really nice mix. I'll admit that when I first read the synopsis for this book, I found it a little amusing - a girl being struck by lightening, and not only surviving, but being able to sense the dead? - I was a little sceptical, despite already being in love with her writing. When I started reading though, I was instantly hooked!
Harper, like Sookie, is a strong-minded and amiable character, and I instantly liked her - and her step-brother Tolliver, who is an equally interesting character.

I really enjoyed the mixture of the Paranormal with the murder mystery genre - it made the novel much more interesting (although murder mystery can be interesting on its own, the supernatural element made it more unique).

I really recommend reading this series, especially if you're already a fan of the True Blood series.
Have you already read this series? What did you think of it?
And if you've not read it yet, are you now considering it? Let me know in the comments!

Please read the rules above before posting your link in the linky below :)

1. Pen to Paper  2. Jenny @ Chocolate Chunky Munkie  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

I've read all the books in this series bar one. I do think it's a good series. Completly different from the Sookie Stackhouse series, but in a way it shows that she is a verstile writer :)

Great choice this week Dani!
xx Jen xx

Dani Cotton said...

Yeah, I've read all but one in this series now. I think the third in the series is my favourite so far! I don't want to read the fourth one just yet though because then I've finished them all and that's really sad! I think Charlaine needs to write some more!

SacredmOOn said...

I'm a huge Charlaine Fan! But I haven't read her Lily Bard and Haper series...yet that is. I have them all, but I haven't gotten to them yet. Great review! Thank you for posting! I haven't seen a lot of reviews for her other work. Just the SVM's or SSN's are talked about and reviewed to death.
DeAnna Schultz

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Harper Connelly series, I love Charlaine Harris' style of writing and the tone in which she writes.
I also enjoyed the mixture of murder mystery and paranormal elements and have and would recommend it.

Sophia Rose said...

I have been meaning to read this series and the Shakespeare series. I love mysteries and they both look good.

Thanks for sharing your review!

Unknown said...

I've only read all but three of the Sookie Stackhouse books and I'd like to check out some of Charlaine's other work so these might be the best to give a chance. :)

Dovile said...

I'm currently reading her Sookie Stackhouse series and loving them, so I'll definitely check this book too, although I don't expect to like it as much as Sookie books.

Tobi said...

I agree this series is so overlooked next to Sookie and it's amazing and I LOVE Charlaine Harris!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... sounds good. I haven't read anything by Charlaine Harris yet so maybe I should try.

koddabear said...

I've really enjoyed the Sookie series. I haven't read and of this series yet but I have the first 2 sitting on my pile of to be read books so hopefully this summer I'll get started on them.

~Jennifer~ said...

I really really love her Sookie Stackhouse series, and I think this series looks great as well. I wouldn't mind at all that it's different than the Sookie series. :)

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