Sunday, 18 November 2012

Pen to Paper: Missing in Action

Hey everyone!
How are you all doing? It's been a long time! Much, much longer than I thought (and hoped) it would be, in fact. You may have noticed that I haven't really been around much over the last month and a half (aside from Wishlist Wednesday and the odd First Page Friday), and this is something that I have really hated, but it was, unfortunately, something that needed to happen. I know that I don't have to explain why I have been away, but I feel as though I owe it to you all, seeing as you've stuck with me, even though I've been away.

I was ill for nearly 3 weeks at the beginning of October, and this is what started everything. Since then I've been trying to get through a huge personal problem, and adjust to a large change in my life. This has been, as I expected, enormously difficult, perhaps even more so than I'd originally thought.
Add to this the fact that I had University assignment deadlines looming, and because of my illness and personal problems, was unable to concentrate on this properly, and I'm left with perhaps one of the most difficult couple of months of my life so far. I hadn't even been able to concentrate on reading my books!

Thankfully though, I am beginning to come out of the other end, and things are starting to look much brighter. My assignments have been handed in (after a gratefully received deadline extension), I'm no longer ill, I am finally able to concentrate enough to sit and read my books, and I'm starting to become much happier and more optimistic in general.
Like I said before, I have really hated being away so much - if I could have changed things, I wouldn't have been away at all - but it was unfortunate that the ways things suddenly went in my life, meant that I wasn't able to sit and blog.
I'm really appreciative of all of - especially those who I was able to keep in contact with on twitter - all of the support you've given me has been incredible and I can't thank you enough for that!

So what's going to happen now? Well, I have a huge amount to catch up on. I have reviews that are sitting unwritten, books left unfinished and giveaway winners undrawn. I feel terrible about all of these things, and over the next week, between starting on my next assignments for University, I will be working my way through these things. So if you've entered my giveaways recently, do not fear - you may still have won! Keep an eye on your inboxes :)
And also look out for plenty of reviews coming over the next few days - I'd read some awesome books before this happened, and I've finished some awesome books over the last few days - so there are some great reviews coming!

Thank you again for all of your support, and I look forward to being a proper part of the community again! :)
Loads of love to all of you!


All the Ups and Downs said...

Glad you are feeling better & that you got a uni extension on your coursework.

No need to apologise though as, unfortunately, these things happen =(

But yay, glad you are back and that you'll be able to be reading again!!


Faye (Daydreaming_Star) said...

Glad you're getting back on your feet lovely! Life has a way of blowing us all the shit at once sometimes and it sucks. But when you come out the other side, it makes you feel stronger and better for it all.

We've not fully spoken much, but if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm around :-) (twitter: @daydreamin_star)

Looking forward to your reviews!
Faye :)

Dani Cotton said...

I know I don't have to apologise, but I feel like I need to. It's silly, I know!

I'm glad to be back! Can't wait to get going again! xx

beccabooklover said...

Really good that your back! So glad your better and getting into the swing of things again. It's great that you were able to have a deadline extension aswell, being ill can really be a pain sometimes. Hope your feeling all better in yourself with everything and I'm looking forward to all your reviews and posts!

I forgot about your giveaways that I entered! I bought Breathe yesterday, can't wait to read it eeee :)

Becca @ Lost in Thought

Dani Cotton said...

Awww Becca :) Thank you!
You'll love Breathe, I'm sure! It's incredible! It's one of the books I will be reviewing this week :D

Dani xx

caroline.taylor078 said...

So good to have you back Dani, glad you are feeling better and getting back into the swing of things! :)

Sabryy said...

Welcome back, Dani! :)

Leonor (Ner) said...

It's good to have you back, Dani. Glad everything is slowly getting better and you're feeling more optimistic :)

We all missed you and we all understand why you were away :P

Welcome back on board ^_^

XX Ner

Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

Good to have you back hun xx Now I have to get my butt back too. xx Loves

Karin said...

Glad your felling better and are back again. You often came to my mind over the last week and I hope that you will be back to your normal happy self.

We missed you lots :)


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear you've been feeling so poorly and had troubles in your personal life. Glad to hear things are looking brighter and that you are back. Missed you!

Dani Cotton said...

Thank you everyone! It's lovely to have been missed!!

Sue, unfortunately, I won't be back on YouTube for a while - my internet is still playing up, which means that videos won't upload properly :(
This saddens me! I will be back on there as soon as I possibly can!

Love to all xx

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

Welcome back! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better :)


Melissas Midnight Musings said...

I'm sorry life has been difficult for you lately, but I'm so glad that things are looking up. I'm looking forward to your reviews. :)

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