Saturday, 7 July 2012

Totally Tracy! 6 Mini Magnetic Bookmarks **Bookish Product Review**

Totally Tracey! 6 Mini Magnetic Bookmarks
Rating: Photobucket
Company: thatcompanycalledif
Product type: Booksmarks
RRP: £2.99
Available from: Waterstones | eBay

Waterstones synopsis:
Totally brilliant bookmarks for Totally Tracy fans everywere! Jacqueline Wilson's best-selling character gets her very own set of colourful little page markers to decorate children's favourite books and magazines. The handy magnets will make sure essential pages are saved! There are six bright, gloss laminated magnetic bookmarks featuring the feisty girl with her trademark curls all clipped inside a special mini-book with a magnetic closure. Individual bookmark size = 20mm x 35mm.
I have always been a big fan of the magnetic bookmark - they're sturdy, small (so wont poke out of the book) and most importantly, if they're made well, they won't fall out, so you'll never lose your place!
So, you can imagine how happy I was, when this cute little bundle of them arrived!

You may think that this set of bookmarks might be a little young for someone my age (I'm 21), and you would usually be right, but as it happens, I grew up with Tracy Beaker, and the rest of Jacqueline Wilson's books (well, those published before 2003, anyway - Midnight was the last of her books that I read), so these bookmarks have great nostalgic value, for me.

The first thing that really stands out about this little package, is how brightly coloured it all is. It's really bright and cheerful, and just so cute. You also get not just one bookmark for your money, but six differently coloured ones (I know you can't see it that well in the photo, but they are all different colours), with the same 'Totally Tracy' design on the front and back (so you can always see the picture). 
On the inside of the 'bookmark pouch' that they come in, there is also a little drawing (by Nick Sharratt - the illustrator of all of Jacqueline's books) of Jacqueline Wilson herself, with a short piece from her, about how she originally came up with the idea for the Tracy Beaker books, which is so cute, and I always enjoy hearing where the inspiration for an author's story comes from.

The bookmarks themselves are really cute, and I immediately picked out my favourite colour to use (guess which colour that is?! ;P). 
The bookmarks, on their own, are only about half the length of my little finger (and I don't have very big hands), so they're really small, and so won't stick out of your book anywhere, and either damage the top of the page, or get damaged themselves (I've had magnetic bookmarks that stick out the top of the book before, and they just get destroyed in my bag - these, however, don't). 

The magnets on them, although also small, are really quite strong, so once they've connected through the page, they won't fall off at all, which is always good news with a bookmark! They're not so strong, however, that you will have problems getting them off again. This is a problem I've encountered with other magnetic bookmarks - they've been difficult to get off the page again, and on occasion, have been known to rip my book. Not good. These bookmarks are great, though, and won't damage the page at all!

One minor problem I have encountered, is that the bookmarks, when wedged between the pages, are a bit thicker than I expected them to be.  Hopefully you can see this on the image (if not, click the image, and it will take you to a larger one), but the thickness of the bookmark does cause the book to bulge around it a little. This is not the biggest problem, I'll admit, and it hasn't caused anything too bad yet, but I have found, carrying it around in my bag, that little bits get into my book because the pages aren't fully closed around the bookmark, and there is space for bits to get in. Not the biggest problem, but not exactly ideal either.

Another great thing about these bookmarks, is that you can not only use them to mark which page you are on, but if, for whatever reason, you've had to stop part-way through a chapter, you can also use them to mark where on the page you stopped. This is especially useful for when you're maybe reading on the train, for example, and you arrive at your stop when you're halfway down a page. If you're as forgetful as I can be, it's really good to be able to stick the bookmark where you've just stopped reading, so you can find your place quicker, next time you go to pick your book up!

Overall, I absolutely adore these bookmarks - they're so bright, cheerful and cute, and they hold such nostalgic value for me, that they're definitely worth having. They're really useful, and work really well. Plus, for just £2.99 for six bookmarks, you can't really go wrong! They're great for kids and big kids alike!


miki said...

cute! i don't own any magnetic bookmark yet but you made me want to

Disincentive said...

They are actually a little creepy, lol. But magnetic bookmarks... Nice idea!

Dani Cotton said...

Creepy? Haha! :P How so?
I think they're cute... but then again, I grew up with Tracy Beaker books :P

Magnetic bookmarks are really good!

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