Monday, 23 July 2012

Musing Mondays #17

This meme is hosted by Should be Reading.

Every week a new 'musing' question is posted by the host for all participants to answer in their own posts.

This week's musing is:

Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? If not, why not?

The short answer is no. If you want a longer one, read on :P

I used to, but I haven't bought a magazine for ... probably going on 5 years, now. I used to read Kerrang! Magazine, which is a British Magazine about rock and metal music (and I live in Birmingham, which is where the radio is broadcast as well, so it used to be literally all around me), but I haven't read that, as I said, for about 5 years (or near enough).
I did also used to get Books Quarterly, which was a magazine produced by Waterstones (where I work), and it had a load of articles from authors, and review pages etc, which were really interesting, and I would still read this, but unfortunately, Waterstones stopped it around a year ago (probably just over).
I will, on occasion, pick up my mum's Good Housekeeping, or something, but only if there is an article mentioned on the cover that sounds interesting - otherwise, I leave it alone.

I've never been one to read the celebrity gossip magazines, or anything like that, either. In fact, I don't think I've ever read one. It's just not the type of thing that interests me in the slightest. And fashion magazines are a no as well - I'm not the type of person that follows fashion (in fact, not a lot of it really suits me), so I just go with what suits me, and what's comfortable (no one usually sees what I'm wearing anyway - I'm usually cuddled up inside, with a book! ;P).


Yackers said...

I do miss the Waterstones magazine, I'd spend hours with it! Talking of Waterstones, I found out that my local Waterstones is closing this Saturday...there will be no book seller in our local town then :-( Instead we have charity shops, banks and pubs.. boo!

Unknown said...

Sucks that they stopped that magazine. It seems like a good one!

caite said...

that Book Quarterly looked good! what a shame!

Unknown said...

I haven't read magazines since I discovered blogs - my Bloglovin feed is full of blogs on beauty, fashion, food, music and of course books. Reading the feed is like having an up to date magazine every day but written by real people!


JC Jones said...

It seems to be common for businesses to drop magazines. A cost thing I guess. Here is my post:

Kwizgiver said...

I admit I delve into celebrity gossip magazines occasionally!

Dani Cotton said...

@ The Blonde Zombie - I'm so sorry to hear you're losing your Waterstones! It's sad times that our country's only chain bookstore is suffering like this! Fingers crossed for a better future!!

Dani :)

Literary Feline said...

I've lept a few subscriptions lapse as my interest ebbs and flows. I have such a hard time making time to read magazines. I really ought to stop subscribing to the ones I do continue with!

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